Scrum Master – Management Bliss Agile and Project Management Blog Thu, 06 Apr 2023 11:30:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Scrum Master – Management Bliss 32 32 How to Bulk Change In Jira Wed, 21 Sep 2022 10:05:09 +0000 Many times we have to make changes to a lot of issues at the same time in Jira for example changing the priority, adding a label or assigning issues to someone, etc. There is a much easier way to do the same in Jira instead of doing it manually. Let’s explore this method through this article in few easy steps:

Video Link:


Go to Filters section and type your JQL to retrieve the issues which you want to change.


Clickon the right side of the screen and select Bulk Change……


Choose the issues and click Next


Select the required operation and select Next


Provide the operation details that is what changes you want to make and click Next on the bottom of the screen.


Confirm and Acknowledge

That’s it, changes are done.

Thank you for going through this article have a nice day.

Free Course on Mon, 22 Aug 2022 10:19:15 +0000 is a work operating system that helps the teams to manage their workflows and run project with ease. One can use for small teams or huge set ups as it is highly scalable. is very customisable you can create workflows as per your processes, project and organization needs. is highly versatile as used in different verticals.

Consider watching the below comprehensive course that covers almost all aspects of

Free Full Course

Table of Contents

  1. What is
  2. Getting Started with
  3. Create Boards Manually in
  4. Types of Boards in
  5. Create Boards by Importing Data in
  6. Set Up Teams and Add Members in
  7. Set Up Columns in
  8. Archive Your Data in
  9. Workspaces in
  10. Communication within Team in
  11. Board Settings in
  12. Export the Board to Excel in
  13. Save the Board as Template in
  14. Setting Up Views in
  15. Searching and Filters in
  16. Automation in
  17. Activity Logs in
  18. Integration with Other Applications in
Agile Coach- Skills and Responsibilities Wed, 09 Feb 2022 14:07:42 +0000 We all need to know what agile coaching is as it is the responsibility of everyone to know agile practices processes and contribute towards change.

Table Of Contents:

Agile Coaching

Let us see what agile and coaching mean separately to understand what agile coaching is.

Agile is a philosophy to follow for continuous improvement. Agile is an approach in which teams work iteratively to deliver faster, valued, high-quality products to their customers. Agility brings people to come to a common understanding.

Coaching is a process where an experienced person helps individuals improve their performance and evolve continuously.

Agile coaching is a process to help people and organizations to rise from where they are now to where they want to be. Agile coaching is the art of conversing with a coachee and guiding them with different perspectives by sharing experiences based on what you learned from others and who you are.

“I would say that agile coaching is 40% doing and 60% being”

— Lyssa Adkins.

“Coaching is a method for helping others to improve, develop, learn new skills, find personal success, achieve aims and manage life change and personal challenges”

— Laura Whitworth.

Agile Coaches

Agile coaches are agile experts who help people, teams, and organizations perform better and grow. An agile coach sometimes needs to wear the teacher’s hat and sometimes be a mentor to help organizations and people know what agile is and adopt it.
An Agile coach acts as a facilitator in an organisation’s agile journey by helping people identify and solve their problems.

Vital Skills of an Agile Coach

Agile Expert

As an agile coach, one should understand different agile methodologies like Kanban, Scrum, Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), Lean, etc. They should have good experience working in agile and identify how and where to implement them.

Good Listener

An agile coach needs to be a good listener. Listening is one of the vital skills any coach should have.
Imagine talking to a person who is busy looking at something else. How would this make you feel? Not good. You may also feel disrespected or neglected.

Agile coaches should provide their complete attention while listening to their coachees’ problems. Apart from giving attention while listening, they should grasp all conservation details and process them.

As an agile coach – One should listen to what the other person is saying and understand unsaid words from noticing their behavior, such as the change of behavior when the environment changes, the body language, and facial expressions.


Understanding feelings is again a fundamental skill for an agile coach. They should be able to borrow the shoes of their coaching clients, understand what they are going through, and then return those shoes without getting attached to the problem or the situation.

Team Builder

As an agile coach, one should build trust within the teams. Also, agile coaches need to learn how to rebuild broken trust. A fundamental factor in building trust is avoiding emotional theories and sticking to facts. An agile coach should bring vulnerability to the team to learn to trust each other. The team should share all kinds of information and problems with each other. Similarly, the coaching conversations should reflect trust.

Self Managed

Self-management is not just for an agile coach but for everyone for filling an environment with harmony. Handling emotions is required when it comes to helping the teams as an agile coach or coaching one-to-one. Below is an approach an agile coach can practice taking control of their emotions while facilitating under challenging situations without getting attached to the problems and responding after processing the provided information.

Self Management

Change Catalyst

An agile coach should enable organizations, teams, and people to bring the best in them and facilitate essential changes.
An agile coach should be the one who speeds up the changes and thus improves organizations, teams, and people to perform better. Agile coaches don’t get involved in the change.

Impeccable Trainer

Again, one of the very basic skills an agile coach requires is to conduct good training, impacting people. Keep a few things in mind before imparting training.

Be a Good Trainer

Time Management:

In training, time should be well-managed, start on time, and complete the selected topics on time.


Excellent and relevant content is always valued. The training content should be within the scope of the training. Adding lots of visuals and examples in the content makes the pieces of training exciting, and participants feel well-connected.

Use Metaphors

The trainer can use metaphors to help the participants better understand as they add life to words and vivid imagination to the subject.

Adding Humour:

Many trainers add humour while training as this does not let the participants feel bored. It helps people feel energized. Adding humour also allows the trainer to create a bond with the audience.


 Adding a lot of activities helps the participants grasp the concept and, at the same time, keeps them entertained and engaged. Adding activities provides participants with an immersive experience.

One-on-One Coaching Conversation

The job of the agile coach is to help each member perform at their best and take steps forward in their agile journey. Therefore, often people come to an agile coach to discuss a problem, or an agile coach may approach a member if they see an issue.

The problem and the solution should come from the coaching client in such conversations.

Here are a few points that would lead to a meaningful and fruitful conversation.

  1. Make the coachee comfortable by greeting the coachee. Make sure that the coachee is at ease and trusts you.
  2. Listen to the coachee patiently and with mindfulness.
  3. Ask your coaching client to make notes of their takeaways.
  4. Discuss the problem without any biases.
  5. Make the coachee accountable for their actions and get clarity on timelines.
  6. Conclude the conversation before closing it.
  7. What happens in the conversation remains only with the coach and coachee. That is, the dialogue is confidential.
One-to-One Conversations

Techniques for Coaching Conversations:

1. Powerful Questions:

Resist asking questions with a boolean or static reply instead, ask open-ended questions. Asking open-ended questions will give the coachee the freedom and the space to respond in detail. Self-expression might let you know even the minor details.


  1. What made you think that way?
  2. How do you think I can help in this situation?
  3. What other issues are important to you?

2. Story Telling:

Tell a situation-based story that helps the coachee feel more connected during the conversation. It helps to resolve problems by themselves with imagination.

One can use the below graph to frame stories.

Art of Story Telling

A coach needs to stop at the climax (twist in the story) so that the coaching client can imagine the subsequent actions and denouement (final part of the story).

3. Inquiry:

An inquiry gathers information by asking questions and applying human senses to the data collected. A humble inquiry may provide a coach with a lot of information that helps understand the coachee’s mindset and the complexity of the problem.

Roles and Responsibilities of an Agile Coach


 An agile coach teaches agile principles and helps teams implement agile frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, Safe, etc.  Agile coaches guide the emerging teams in their agile path.


Everyone looks upon agile coaches as role models. An agile coach trains the teams to become independent so that organizations can move from where they are now to where they want to reach. Agile coaches also play an essential role in training the leaders such as managers, scrum masters, other executives on agility.


Circumstances change as the organizations, projects, people progress. Agile coaches help support the change process or may even lead the change process.

Let us discuss a few methods that help facilitate the changes:

Identify the Purpose of Changes:

Find the root cause of why this change is required. Ask questions to find out the purpose of doing something.

Identify your Support System:

Strengthen yourself by knowing who can be the first to help you.

Pros and Cons

Find the pros and cons of the change and guide the teams with that knowledge.


Brainstorm ideas with the team.

Address Constraints

Address the constraints with the team.


Conflicts are inevitable in agile teams because of people from different backgrounds.

Conflicts should be encouraged so that different perspectives come to light.

As an agile coach, one should improve the team’s performance by using the conflicts constructively. An agile coach should infer the level of conflict and help the team face it. An agile coach should not teach teams to avoid conflicts rather coach them how to convert conflicts into constructive disagreements.


An agile coach encourages cultural development in the organization. They promote a culture of openness and trust among each other. They add a flavor of vulnerability within a team not only in work but in their personal lives as well as it is a way that makes people within the teams share more and more and, most importantly, makes them learn how to depend on each other without doubts. Such a culture builds excellent products and inspiring leaders.


To conclude, I would say an agile coach enables people to deliver the best software and get the best out of them.

HOW TO CREATE SUB-TASKS IN JIRA Sun, 26 Dec 2021 15:09:35 +0000

In this article, we will see what sub-tasks are and how to create sub-tasks in JIRA.

Table of Contents:

Introduction to Sub-Tasks

Subtasks are child of another issue, they are created to easily manage other issues like stories, tasks or bugs.

Subtasks are technical in nature as they are created for the people working under a particular task.

For example, let’s assume that we have a task:

<Coding for Wishlist button on main page>

Now a few examples of the sub-tasks associated with this task could be:

  • 1. Create a Wishlist Button on main-page.
  • 2. Coding required to link the button with functionality.

Once created, these sub-tasks are assigned to team members to get them done.

How to Create Sub-Tasks in JIRA

Note that we cannot create a sub-task independently and has to be created under other issues like tasks, story or bugs. We will not see an option to create sub-tasks in the create issues drop-down.

Assuming that we already have a task created in JIRA. <Coding UI Wishlist Button on main page>

Follow the below easy steps to create a sub-task in JIRA


After selecting the task on the backlog, go to the detailed panel on the right-side. Click on the Create subtask button.


Add the necessary details and click the Create button

And the sub-task will be created.

I hope this article helped you to create tasks in JIRA. Good Luck!!!

How To Create Tasks in JIRA Sat, 16 Oct 2021 18:26:20 +0000

In this article, we will see what tasks are and how to create tasks in JIRA.

Table of Contents:

Video tutorial on how to create tasks in JIRA

Introduction to Tasks

Well, tasks are the elements of a user story.

Tasks are the work items that are not directly related to a requirement but should be completed to get those requirements completed.

For example, let’s assume that we have a user story:

< As a Store Manager I want a mechanism to provide budget offers to store customers >

Now a few examples of the tasks associated with this user story could be:

  • 1. Make the configuration changes to provide higher access to the store_manager user.
  • 2. Making coding changes to add Provide Offers button to the main screen
  • 3. Integration test after making the changes.

Once created, these tasks are assigned to team members to get them done.

How to create sub-tasks in JIRA

Follow the below easy steps to create a task in JIRA


From the Top Menu, click on the Create Button.


Select the issue type Tasks and add the necessary details.


Press the Create Button

And the task will be created.

I hope this article helped you to create tasks in JIRA. Good Luck!!!

WHAT IS JIRA Tue, 21 Sep 2021 07:16:07 +0000 JIRA is a project management tool owned by Atlassian for planning, tracking, and supporting software projects.

Video tutorial on What is JIRA

These days, JIRA is the most famous tool used worldwide in the IT world and other industries. Many people, including me, believe JIRA is the best project management tool available in the market. It deserves this fame because of its features; it is easy to learn, highly customizable, and the teams can use it per their needs. Also, it is free if we want to use it for small setups that are up to 10 users and store upto 2GB data.

JIRA can be a one-stop shop for all our project management needs. Lets us see some of the widely used features of JIRA.

JIRA usage

Requirement Management with JIRA

JIRA can be used for requirements management when used in partnership with Confluence. Confluence and JIRA in integration can serve the purpose of all the requirement management needs of the project.

Teams can use Confluence for general requirement gathering and lengthy and technical discussions within the team. Then these requirements can be broken down to more granularity, and hence issues-level and task-level requirements can be created and tracked in JIRA.

Task Management with JIRA

JIRA is used extensively to create and track tasks until the end of its lifecycle, and JIRA provides a simple default workflow to track the transitions of these tasks. Apart from generic workflow, JIRA also allows creating custom workflow as per the need of your project.
Project board also highlights the progress of tasks very effectively in JIRA.

Bug Tracking System

JIRA is very popular for bug tracking. Once a bug is identified, one can create an issue-type bug with JIRA software and track it until its life cycle. The team uses JIRA software extensively for creating bugs, adding all details, including descriptions, screenshots, versions, etc. Teams can effectively manage the priority and severity of bugs in JIRA.
Workflows are used to manage the status of bugs and teams can create their workflow or use the default workflow provided by JIRA.
Notification is another vital feature that JIRA provides for bug tracking.

Streamlining Workflows

A workflow is a sequence of tasks while working on user stories, bugs, custom issue types, etc., in JIRA. While every project has its specific processes to be followed and has its definition of ‘Ready’ and ‘Done’. There are certain paths to reach those different states, and all these statuses, transitions, and movements get defined in workflows.

JIRA provides a potent workflow engine. Teams can either use the default workflow provided by JIRA based on the project or create their workflows per the organization’s processes.


Teams use estimation to measure the size of work they have, like backlogs. JIRA Software provides the flexibility to teams to choose their statistics for estimations like story points, original time estimate, issue
count or any custom numeric field.


Reports are visual data that teams can use for their benefit. There are lots of reports provided by JIRA, for example:
Reports for Scrum:
Sprint Repot, Burndown Chart, Release Burndown, Velocity Chart.
Reports for Kanban:
Control Chart, Cumulative Flow Diagram
Other Reports:
Pie Chart Reports, Created vs. Resolved Issues Report, Time Since Issues Report, Resolution Time Report, User Workload Report, and many more.

Backlog Tracking

A backlog is a list of pending work to be done in a project. Backlogs in JIRA provide a way to manage these outstanding tasks, prioritize them, create sprints conveniently and organize them using epics.

Release Planning

JIRA helps in organizing massive work in the form of releases. Teams can use the Releases feature of JIRA to create specific versions that are release names, and start date and end dates are added while creating a release to specify its duration. These versions can then be associated with issues to tag them with a release.

Other useful features of JIRA are Project Analytics, Logging and Customization, Email Notifications, Preparing Product Roadmaps, and a lot more.


JIRA is a handy software for managing projects and is very customizable. JIRA is free for up to 10 users and 2 GB of data storage but has a cost associated with more significant larger projects.

I hope this article gave you an insight on what is JIRA and why to use it. Good Luck!!!

How to Create a Project in Jira Tue, 14 Sep 2021 11:32:31 +0000 This article will demonstrate how to create a project in Jira. A project is a set of tasks achieving a particular aim to be completed within a clear start and end date.

Jira provides a variety of projects templates, making the creation of projects in different domains relatively easy. Also, Jira provides templates for project creation in different agile methodologies and hence supports the day-to-day activities of agile-based projects.

Video tutorial on how to create a project in JIRA

Steps to Create a Project in Jira


From the top menu click on Projects menu option, followed by clicking on Create project option.


Click the required project template from the left and select suitable option on the right.


Click on Use template button


Click on Select a company-managed project button


Add the name of your project and click on the Create project button

The project will be created.

I hope this article helped you to create a project in Jira. Good Luck!!

What are Epics in Agile Wed, 04 Aug 2021 14:30:02 +0000 To deliver one huge requirement to a client or to develop a significant business aspect of a product, agile teams need to organize and structure their work, from very high level to minute details.

Epics and user stories are tools for such structuring of work.

Video Tutorial – What are Epics in Agile

Table of contents:

An epic in the agile world is nothing but a big chunk of work that cannot be completed in a sprint and therefore gets divided into smaller, more manageable pieces which have the potential to be shipped within a sprint.

So from an epic, many interdependent and related user stories can be formed. Epics can be divided among multiple teams and sometimes tracked on various boards as well.

Agile Epic Definition 

An agile epic is a considerable amount of work that can be fragmented into smaller pieces of work called user stories and has an optimum value.
This epic breaks down into more minor issues/stories based on customer’s priorities, business needs, and organizational goals.
We can also say that epics describe the client’s requirement at a very high level.

Epics get completed throughout many sprints. Generally, teams complete 2-3 epics in a quarter or a release.

What is Epic Level in agile

The level of epic in the agile world falls after Themes but before User Stories.

Level of Epic in Agile

Themes: Collection of interrelated epics that share a common goal.

Epics: Huge Work that can be divided into smaller stories.

Stories: Small requirements from an end-user perspective.

Why use Epics

  • Epics bind smaller pieces of work together into one big idea. While working on stories, epics make all the stakeholders aware of their near future objectives. Hence, epics help the agile teams to visualize their goals and keep them aligned towards them.
  • Epics are a way to structure a product’s roadmap and help in product backlog constitution. 
  • Epics provide a way to create a hierarchy of work.
  • Epics help teams in strategic decision-making. Since the end goal is known, teams become proactive. 
  • Epics also make tracking large ideas easy with the help of agile tools such as Jira.
View of work structuring with Epics on a Product Roadmap

Imagine the difference between product backlog with epics – acting as one big idea and user stories rolling up to it and another without epics with stories that are intermingled and scattered with different ideas.

Scope of Work in Epic

Since epics are enormous, they cannot be completed in one sprint and get worked on throughout many sprints. Therefore, the scope of an epic is subject to change. The scope of an epic is flexible based on the ever-changing market and customer feedback after reviews of previously developed stories.

How to Write an Epic

The product owners/product managers write epics after client discussions and market research. The product owners can take the help of other team members while defining the epics for a product.

Below are a few things teams can look upon while creating an epic.

The epic should mention what needs development and why it is required. 

Construct an Epic with a Label, Description, and the Acceptance Criteria.

Label: There should be a short but descriptive label depicting what the epic is all about.

Description: Write a brief description that depicts the idea of why, who, and what about the business. 

Acceptance Criteria: Acceptance criteria are the standards or pre-defined requirements to measure if the epic is complete or not. Within the acceptance criteria, one can mention the technical and design needs. For example, in a messaging system, “The input messages should follow an XYZ-standard that is compatible with the central system.”

Apart from this, do create epics for the projects that need reporting.

Epics should not be too long or too short. A couple of weeks is optimal for epics to complete; therefore, keep this check-in in mind while creating epics.

Also, the granularity of each epic depends on the organization’s practices.

How to Divide the Epics

It is essential to divide your epics into user stories so that they fit into different iterations. While there are many ways to distribute an epic, one of them is storytelling.
Storytelling is one of the ways to envision tremendous work and priorities through a sequence of events that happen during the product development lifecycle.
In the storytelling approach, the epics are on top, followed by user stories, tasks and sub-tasks.


There are different ways to divide the work from the epics in storytelling like:

Workflow-based breakdown: Here, the work gets divided based on the work that needs to be done. If “Creating a Skit” is an Epic, then workflow-based breakdown can be as follows->

  • Writing the skit
  • Shopping for costumes
  • Preparing the stage, etc.

Role-Based BREAKdown: Here, the work is divided based on roles. For example, If “Creating a Skit” is an epic, then role-based division can be as follows-> 

  • Tasks for Dialog Writer
  • Tasks for Actor
  • Tasks for Director, etc.

TIME-Based BREAKdown: This means dividing work that could get done over a specific period. In scrum-based projects, it could be dividing epics into stories that can complete within a sprint.

It is always advisable to divide the work vertically than horizontally. That is to divide based on functional boundaries than technical.

For example, complete one small functionality of work that is ready to be delivered to customers rather than dividing based on analysis-> development -> testing, etc.

Vertical Division of Work

Example of an Epic in Agile

Lets say an agile team wants to create a Central Airways Messaging Platform for ABC airways which can send and receive messages from Website –A (books tickets), a Kiosk at the airport (books tickets and has other processes), Government sites for personal verification.

Then the epic would look somewhat like :

Name: EPIC -01AIR

Label: Creating a Central Messaging Platform for ABC Airways

Description: The system should send and receive messages Back and Forth from a different Website -A, a Kiosk at the airport, Government sites for verification.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Messages should be compatible with the Central Messaging Platform
  • All messages should be saved in a database as well.

One can create different required stories under this epic, one such example is:

User Story: Central Messaging Platform to receive booking messages from Website-A so that it can use the information.


Epic might not be everything in an agile project, but they are the building blocks of the products initiatives, and most of the agile teams look on to epics for moving forward.

I have always used epics to envision a product better and to manage our product's backlog efficiently. I hope this article will help you too to understand the concept of epics. Good Luck!!!
How to create a scrum board in jira Wed, 16 Jun 2021 11:12:28 +0000 In this article, we will see how to create a scrum board using the JIRA tool. I have been using many tools for scrum management, and JIRA is my top choice because of the ease it brings to the end-users.

Table of Contents:-

video tutorial to create jira scrum board

Create Scrum Board in JIRA with new software project

Follow the below steps:

  1. Click the three dots on the top right corner of jira.

2. Click on the Create board option from the menu


3. Click the option Create a Scrum Board


4. Select the option Board created with new software project and click Next


5. Add the name of the new project, project key and click Create Board


6. Since the project is new, we need to create stories and add them to a sprint. Once done the board will be visible as shown in image_6.


Create Scrum Board in JIRA from an existing project

  1. Click the three dots on the top right corner of jira. –> See image_1
  2. Click on the Create board option from the menu. –> See image_2
  3. Click the option Create a Scrum Board. –> See image_3
  4. Select the option Board from an existing project and click Next

5. Provide the Board Name, select the existing project from the dropdown and click Next


6. The scrum board is created.


Important Note: The JIRA board will show the issues in the board column lanes based on their statuses in the existing project.

Create Scrum Board in JIRA from an existing saved filter

  1. Click the three dots on the top right corner of jira. –> See image_1
  2. Click on the Create board option from the menu. –> See image_2
  3. Click the option Create a Scrum Board. –> See image_3
  4. Select the option Board from an saved filter and click Next

5. Provide the Board Name, select the existing saved filter from the dropdown, and click Next


6. The scrum board is created.

We hope this article helped you to create a scrum board in JIRA as per the requirement. Good Luck!!!

Top 24 Scrum Master Interview Questions [Updated 2022] Wed, 24 Mar 2021 13:40:57 +0000

Scrum is a framework based on a set of values, principles, and practices. A scrum is an agile approach for developing innovative products and services. This article will guide you to prepare for a scrum master interview with 24 vital interview questions and detailed discussions around them.

Q1. How would you describe scrum master roles and responsibilities?

Answer:- Scrum Master guides everyone to embrace scrum rules and help the team achieve their goals by removing the impediments…READ MORE: Scrum Master Roles and Responsibilities in Agile.

Q2. Share your understanding of scrum teams and the role of each integrant.

Answer:- Scrum teams are essential assets of scrum organization. Scrum Team is a group of cross-functional people focused on completing a defined work in a specified time…READ MORE: What is a SCRUM team

Q3. What do you understand by the scrum of scrums?

Answer:-Scrum of scrums is a group formed by one member, each from different scrum teams, to achieve a common goal at the organization level…READ MORE: Scrum of Scrums

Q4. Can you share some knowledge on what sprint planning is ?

Answer:- Upcoming work in the sprint is discussed and finalized in sprint planning meetings. However, each team has its way of planning its sprints. Here are some good practices…READ MORE: Sprint Planning in Agile

Q5. Please throw some light on Agile testing practices.

Answer:- Testing in agile is a continuous and integrated process that is upgraded with each iteration… READ MORE: Testing in Agile Methodology

Q6. Share your understanding on user stories.

Answer:- User story is an appropriate format for discussing the desired business requirements. User stories should be simple and understandable to business and technical people…READ MORE: User Stories in Agile

Q7. Do you have an idea of how can user story mapping can be helpful ?

Answer:- User story mapping is a two-dimensional visualization of the work to be done in a project…READ MORE:

Q8. What is an INVEST Principle ?

Answer:- INVEST principle demonstrates six rules that help evaluate if a user story fits its intended usage or still needs some additional work to be done…READ MORE: User Stories in Agile

Q9. What are Burndown charts?

Answer:- Sprint Burndown charts are used to track the sprint’s progress and help predict when the work can be expected to complete…READ MORE: JIRA: WHAT IS BURNDOWN CHART-HOW TO CREATE IN JIRA

Q10. Give us a few examples of burndown charts that help on predicting progress.

Answer:- Describe a few patterns in burndown charts and what can be interpreted from those patterns’. Read a few examples from: How to read Burndown Charts in JIRA

Q11. What do you understand by the velocity of a scrum team?

Answer:- Velocity is the amount of work completed each sprint. Velocity is calculated by adding the size of all the sprint backlog items that were part of the sprint. Velocity is calculated at the end of every sprint… READ MORE: What is Velocity in Agile

Q12. What is an agile velocity chart?

Answer:- Agile velocity chart is a way to measure a sprint team’s progress over a while… READ MORE: What is Velocity in Agile

Q13. How important do you think sprint retrospection is? Do you have any suggestions to make retrospection meetings interesting?

Answer:- Retrospection is an essential part of the scrum framework, which provides the scrum team an opportunity to INSPECT and ADAPT…READ MORE WHAT IS SPRINT RETROSPECTIVE

Q14. What is the definition of Done (DoD) and Definition of Ready (DoR)?

Answer:- Definition of Done is a list of items to verify completeness of a product backlog item’s completeness. Definition of Ready is a criterion to ensure that a particular item is appropriate to be started…READ MORE: Definition of Done and Definition of Ready

Q15. How often team conflicts happen in your team? Is there a way to prevent destructive conflicts in a team?

Answer:- Conflicts or discords are disagreements between team members when they are not able to reach a decision that is mutually agreed by all… Read a few ways to prevent conflicts: Team Conflicts: Resolution and Prevention

Q16. Can you share an example of what you would prefer to be a part of your sprint closure report?

Answer:- Sprint closure report should be simple, crisp, and should cover all aspects of your project’s recently closed scrum…READ MORE:

Q17. Share the importance of sprints in agile?

Answer:- Agile promotes working in iterations, and sprints are nothing but agile’s way of organizing the work into iterations or cycles… READ MORE: What is a sprint in agile

Q18. Why do you think many agile teams use story points?

Answer:- Story points are efforts from the development team’s perspective to complete a particular piece of work.… READ MORE: Story Points in Agile

Q19. Who is a Product Owner in Agile World?

Answer:- The Product Owner is entitled to be one of the most critical people in product leadership in the agile world.… READ MORE: WHO IS A PRODUCT OWNER IN AGILE

Q20. How important is a product owner for a scrum team? Share some light on product owner responsibilities

Answer:- The Product Owner is a full-time job with a lot of duties to be fulfilled.The Product Owner role is a good blend of authority and responsibility.… READ MORE: Agile Product Owner Responsibilities

Q21. What is a product backlog?

Answer:- Product Backlog is a prioritzed list of product functionality that should be accessible to all the team members.… READ MORE: PRODUCT BACKLOG IN SCRUM

Q22. What are Epics?

Answer:- An epic in the agile world is nothing but a big chunk of work that cannot be completed in a sprint and therefore gets divided into smaller.… READ MORE: Epics in Agile

Q23. Share the Differences between Product Owner and Product Manager?

Answer:- Well, the truth is that both these roles often overlay with each other, and there are no well-defined boundaries. That is the core reason for all the debate on the topic..… READ MORE: Product Owner Versus Product Manager

Q24. Differentiate between Scrum Board and Kanban Board?

Answer:- Scrum and kanban are agile methodologies and iterative working systems. Both aim to reduce waste. Scrum focuses on project management, while kanban focuses on improving the workflow and faster deliveries…READ MORE: Scrum Board Vs Kanban Board

These are a few examples of interview questions generally asked in interviews. However, a good scrum master should learn to be keen and consistent in increasing his/her knowledge about processes, frameworks, technology, and practices. Good Luck!!!
